How to Evaluate Property Taxes and What You Need to Know Before You Buy

Retirement is a significant milestone in one’s life, symbolizing the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. As individuals approach this stage, meticulous planning becomes imperative to ensure a comfortable and financially secure future. Among the plethora of retirement planning options, real estate emerges as a challenging player, offering unique advantages that can enhance the overall strategy. Let’s discuss the pivotal role that real estate plays in retirement planning and why it deserves a prominent place in your financial portfolio.

Building Equity for the Future:

One of the fundamental advantages of investing in real estate is the potential for equity growth over time. Unlike other assets that may fluctuate in value, real estate often appreciates in the long run. By acquiring property early in your career and allowing it to accumulate value, you’re essentially building a robust foundation of equity that can serve as a valuable financial resource during retirement.

Steady Income Stream through Rental Properties:

Real estate’s ability to generate a steady income stream is a crucial factor in retirement planning. Owning rental properties allows retirees to enjoy a regular source of passive income, supplementing other retirement income streams such as pensions or social security. Well-managed rental properties can provide a reliable and predictable cash flow, ensuring financial stability throughout retirement.

Diversification for Risk Mitigation:

Diversification is a key principle in any successful investment strategy, and real estate offers an excellent avenue for achieving it. By diversifying your retirement portfolio to include real estate assets, you can spread risk and reduce vulnerability to market fluctuations. Real estate’s performance often exhibits low correlation with traditional financial markets, providing a hedge against economic downturns and uncertainties.

Hedging Against Inflation:

Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, posing a significant threat to retirees. Real estate, however, has historically proven to be an effective hedge against inflation. Property values and rental income tend to rise with inflation, ensuring that the real value of your real estate assets remains relatively stable over the long term.

Downsizing and Lifestyle Adjustments:

Real estate plays a dynamic role in retirement planning by offering options for downsizing or making lifestyle adjustments. Retirees can leverage the equity built in their properties by selling and downsizing to a smaller, more manageable home. This not only releases funds for retirement expenses but also reduces maintenance costs and property taxes.

As individuals navigate the intricate landscape of retirement planning, embracing the role of real estate can significantly enhance their financial well-being. From building equity and generating passive income to providing a buffer against inflation, real estate stands as a versatile and resilient asset class. Including real estate in your retirement portfolio offers not only financial benefits but also the peace of mind that comes with a diversified and well-rounded approach to securing your future.

Which Big Tax Breaks Are Available From Home Credits

There are several big tax breaks available from home credits that can help homeowners save money on their taxes. Here are some notable examples:

Mortgage Interest Deduction: This is one of the largest tax breaks for homeowners. You can deduct the interest paid on your mortgage loan, up to a certain limit, as an itemized deduction on your federal income tax return. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 reduced the mortgage interest deduction limit for new mortgages, but it still remains a significant tax break for many homeowners.

Property Tax Deduction: Homeowners can deduct the amount they pay in property taxes on their primary residence and any other real estate they own. The property tax deduction is an itemized deduction and can help reduce your taxable income.

Energy-Efficient Home Improvements: The Residential Energy-Efficient Property Credit allows homeowners to claim a tax credit for certain energy-efficient improvements made to their homes. This includes installing solar panels, solar-powered water heaters, wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and fuel cell systems. The credit is a percentage of the cost of the improvements and can provide substantial tax savings.

Home Office Deduction: If you use a part of your home regularly and exclusively for business purposes, you may be eligible for a home office deduction. This deduction allows you to deduct a portion of your home-related expenses, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, utilities, and home insurance, based on the percentage of your home used for business.

First-Time Homebuyer Credit: Although the federal first-time homebuyer credit was phased out in 2010, some states offer their own versions of this credit. These credits are designed to assist first-time homebuyers with their down payment or closing costs. Eligibility criteria and available amounts vary by state, so you should check with your state’s tax authority or a tax professional to see if you qualify.

It’s important to note that tax laws can change, and eligibility for these tax breaks may vary depending on your specific circumstances. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or refer to the latest tax guidelines to understand the most up-to-date information and determine your eligibility for these tax breaks.

Tax Deductions Homeowners Can Claim During Tax Season

ax Deductions Homeowners Can Claim During Tax SeasonEven though owning a home comes with some significant expenses, some of them are tax-deductible. With many people looking for ways to lower their income tax, there are a few expenses tied to the house that every homeowner should consider. This could make a significant difference in their final tax bills, and it could lead to a large tax refund.

Home Repair Costs

There are a lot of people who need to make repairs to their houses during the course of the year. In particular, if you have recently purchased a house, you may need to do a bunch of repairs before you move in. Be sure to save any receipts tied to these home repairs, as many home repairs can be tax-deductible. For example, if there is a giant hole in the floor that you need to fix, this could be deductible on your taxes. 

Interest on a Mortgage 

At the end of the year, your lender should give you a document specifying all the interest you have paid on the mortgage. Generally, the first few payments of your mortgage are almost all interest. Then, the last few payments just before the mortgage is paid off are almost entirely principal. Mortgage interest is tax-deductible, and the lender should give you a statement totaling the interest you have paid during the course of the year.

Property Taxes 

When the lender drafts the monthly payment out of your account, this should include property taxes as well as your monthly mortgage payment. Your property taxes may also be deductible on your taxes. Therefore, take a look at the statement given to you by the lender. See if there is a line for the total amount of property tax you have paid. This could add up to a few thousand dollars, and it could be tax-deductible.

Work With a Tax Professional

These are just a few of the many expenses tied to a house that a homeowner might be able to claim on their taxes. Anyone who is interested in claiming tax deductions related to a house should reach out to a tax professional who can help them. That way, everyone maximizes the amount of money they save on their taxes.


How Much Will Your Child Tax Credit Be?

How Much Will Your Child Tax Credit Be?There are millions of homeowners that are parents waiting for their advance child tax credits to arrive; however, they might not be sure exactly how much money they are going to get. This makes it difficult to set a budget. Some parents could expect to receive $300 per month between now and December. The rest of the credit should arrive after filing their tax returns next year. How much will parents receive?

The Process Of Calculating A Child Tax Credit

Because of recent changes in federal tax laws, the expanded child tax credit has increased the limit from $2,000 (the limit in 2020) to a maximum of $3,600; however, not every parent is going to receive $3,600.

Children under the age of five years are eligible for the maximum amount of $3,600. Children who are in secondary school (between the ages of six and 17 years) are eligible for a maximum payment of $3,000 per child. Children who are 18 years of age or in college full-time (up to age 24) are eligible for a one-time payment of $500 each.

In addition, these payment amounts will vary depending on the adjusted gross income of the family. Keep in mind that these numbers are estimates only and could vary from family to family. Anyone with questions or concerns about how much money they are going to receive should speak with a tax professional for more information.

Will Expanded Child Tax Credits Be Expanded In The Future?

Fortunately, there are online payment portals available, saving families the trouble of filing an amended tax return for these payments; however, will these payments be extended into the future? There is a possibility that Congress could decide to extend the duration of monthly child tax credits in upcoming stimulus bills. With millions of people still collecting unemployment benefits, the government might be forced to extend child tax credits to make life easier for the millions of people who are suffering.

Right now, families should not assume these tax credits are going to get extended until Congress passes formal legislation. While the government might decide to pass another law similar to the American Rescue Plan, passed earlier this year, nothing is guaranteed. Families should budget for this year’s child tax credit accordingly.